By Sudarshan Ninjoor • February 10, 2016

Customer Experience Perspectives (10th February, 2016)

We have compiled some great articles about Customer Experience which were trending in last week: What causes bad Customer Experience? And how can it be improved? How can you improve personalized experience? Answers to all these questions and more in this week’s Customer Experience Perspectives. We are sure you will have a great time going through them!

Customer Experience Non-Trends for 2016 [customerservicezone.com]

It is still early February and the pundits are continuing with their predictions for 2016. The author, although in agreement with the experts, is quick to point out that such trend articles seem to be missing the bigger picture. He calls the missing items “non-trends” that don’t change periodically, and most of them are more important than trends.

The author is so confident that he even hilariously points out that if he was to publish the article next year it would still hold true.

Five Customer Experience Truths That Almost Every Company Gets Wrong [forbes.com]

  1. The customer experience as you think of it internally doesn’t exist.
  2. Customer engagement is everything.
  3. A great customer experience, once you put it together, isn’t going to stay that way on its own.
  4. It’s essential to streamline, hide, or eliminate the transactional parts of the customer experience, if you ever want to delight your customers.
  5. Customers today are speed freaks.

Pretty strong points to ponder upon. We are sure you will understand these points better when you go through the article.

Super Customer Experience: Loyalty not Imprisonment! | #cx #custserv [katenasser.com]

Customer attrition doesn’t happen regularly due to major blunders by businesses. Rather, it is the common everyday mistakes that drive customers away. Some of these mistakes are:

  • Endless loops: Customers feel helpless when they have to deal with unclear phone menus or with agents who have poor people skills and little customer service expertise.
  • Lack of teamwork: Multiple teams engaged in service with little or no teamwork leave customers trapped in a maze.
  • Tunnel vision: Thinking only from a company perspective is another pitfall to avoid.

The Case(s) of the Data-Driven Customer Experience [cmswire.com]

Customers today want the unique experience, that personalized care. Unfortunately though, not all customers get what they are looking for. But then again, analytics provides a power to allow brands to deliver varying levels of what seems like intimate, just-for-me care to all of its customers. And all your customers want those memorable experiences.

100 Customer Experience Tips in a Word Cloud [experiencematters.wordpress.com]

Want to go through 100 CX tips in a jiffy? The following word cloud can help you out!

CX Word Cloud CX Perspectives

We hope you enjoyed this week’s Call Center Perspectives. Be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @VOZIQ or follow us on LinkedIn.